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Radio Saletian

A Tradição Católica em sua casa

Radio Saletiana

The modern world is steeped in diabolical ugliness.

To promote the Reign of Christ the King, it is necessary   an effort for contemporary man to know the beautiful.

The art of the beautiful lifts the soul to Heaven to contemplate spiritual realities and thus elude the promotion of the ugly.

Rádio Saletiana makes its contribution by making available to the public a program with classical and polyphonic music, medieval songs and the beautiful Gregorian chant.

In addition, we present programs for leisure

and healthy and religious learning from your family.

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Daily Schedule

06:00 Angelus and Matins

07:00 Rosary and Lauds

08:00 Prime Time

09:30 Roman Martyrology

10:30 am Priestly Teachings

12:00 Angelus and Sixth Hour

13:30 Daily Meditation - Saint Alphonsus

15:00 Sorrowful Rosary and Nôa Hour

16:30 Devotional Prayers of the day

18:00 Hail Mary, Glorious Rosary and Vespers

21:00 Holy Rosary and Litany of the Day

23:00 Complete

Weekly schedule


17:00 Oficio da Imaculada

19:00 Hora Mariana


18:30 Orações para Santificação

Maestro de Orquestra

Fique informado

Obrigado por se increver

OMD Redonda.jpg

Rua Varginha, 155

Bairro Resplendor

Igarapé - MG

CEP: 32.900-000


+55 31 9 9146-9607

Fraternidade OMD Sede - MG


+55 94 99286-1725

Capela Nossa Senhora de La Salette - PA

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© 2022. Fraternidade Ordem da Mãe de Deus - Saletianos

Site desenvolvido por Véritas Editora e Consultoria

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