Who we are
The Saletians dedicate themselves to monastic and missionary life.
Our life is based on the Rule left by Melanie, seer of Our Lady of La Salette.
Our founder and
our story
Our founder Father TarcÃsio do Imaculado Coração de Maria joined the Camillian seminary in 1987, where he did his postulancy in the Vila Pompéia district of São Paulo. His novitiate took place in 1988, in Cotia São Paulo and his First Religious Profession in 1989.
In 1995 he was ordained a priest and in 1999, desiring a monastic life entirely dedicated to God, he entered the Monastery of São Bento in Rio de Janeiro where he stayed for 10 years until the Divine inspiration of the Foundation of the Fraternity of the Saletians, which took place in Marabá in the Pará, city where it remained until 2019, Currently the Headquarters was migrated to Minas Gerais, leaving a secondary house working in Marabá - PA.
Our daily routine is based on the Prayer of the Holy Office, Recitation of the Holy Rosary, Celebration of the Traditional Daily Mass and the study of Catholic Doctrine, combining a meditative life schedule and the necessary work to maintain our headquarters which is located in a rural area. , away from the noises and pleasures of the world. On the other hand, tertiary workers and volunteers, with our support, direct Traditional Catholic Education for several children through Catechism and complementary teachings, in addition to the work of Rádio Saletiana which brings information, meditations and music good for all homes.
Our Headquarters
In order to distance ourselves from the world, we maintain a headquarters where our consecrated brothers can dedicate themselves entirely to a life of prayer, penance and study.
In addition, our Headquarters is a place for the support of families and a retreat for the faithful who come to us in order to receive the Sacraments and safe catechetical and theological learning, far from the dangers of the heresy of modernism.
Fazemos da nossa Sede um local para amparo das famílias e retiro dos fiéis que vêm até nós a fim de receber os Sacramentos e aprendizado Catequético e teologal seguro, longe dos perigos da heresia do modernismo.
Também nos dedicamos ao trabalho missionário ,
Hoje, por questões internas e facilidade de Apostolado, nossa sede está na querida Minas Gerais, que tem tanto apreço pela Santa Missa Tradicional, e por isso levamos a Sagrada Liturgia em várias cidades, conforme nossa condição e disponibilidade.
Por isso, precisamos tanto da ajuda de nossos amigos e benfeitores. Tornando-se um benfeitor dessa obra, vossas senhorias nos ajudam a custear a sede com nossas necessidades básicas, assim como auxilia os Saletianos a chegarem cada vez mais em
novas cidades levando a Santa Missa Tradicional.